Last update March 2nd, 2024

Midi Devices

1. Professor Braff MASTER is a M4L midi effect that allows you control all Professor patches present in your session at once. It communicates with the other patches using 4 different and independent channels of communication. Last but not least it has a tap pattern feature and can listen live to incoming midi and guess your pattern and morph values.

2. Professor Braff STEPS is a M4L midi effect that allows you to play your midi clips at the speed of your choice: you define  a ratio of Ableton Live’s transport, which in turn will be subdivided according to a pattern. This pattern is used to groove your subdivisions.

3. Professor Braff ARP is a M4L midi effect that allows you to apply the same rhythmic transformations to a an arpeggiator.

Audio Devices

4. Professor Braff SHAPER is a M4L audio effect that allows you to draw control signals to a grid that will be warped using the same approach as the other devices mentioned above.

5. Professor Braff LFO is a M4L audio effect that will warp mappable LFO control signals using the same approach as the other devices mentioned above.

Youtube tutorial